Estrella Elementary School

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School Profile

Estrella Elementary School is located at the intersection of 57th Street and Main Street in South Los Angeles. The area is identified as inner city and is primarily industrial. The families that make up the community are identified at the lower socio-economic level. The racial/ ethnic make up is approximately 89% Hispanic and 9% African American. The median age is 23. 89% speak a language other than English.


Currently there are 480 enrolled students. Approximately 8.6% are eligible to receive Special Education Services. 4.3% are identified Gifted and Talented. Estrella Elementary School’s cumulative attendance rate in 2014-15 was 96.1%.


The racial/ethnic makeup at Estrella Elementary is 91.5% Hispanic and 7.2% African American, 1.1% White, 0.2% Asian. Approximately 34% of students are classified as English Only (EO), 45% Limited English Proficient (LEP), 5% Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP), 15% Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP).


Our school is currently on a traditional Calendar of 180 days instruction and we serve students in Kindergarten through 5th Grade. There are three Special Education programs: RSP and two SDC – mild to moderate classrooms. Some of our students receive Adaptive Physical Education, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Vision Impairment, and Deaf and Hard of Hearing services based on eligibility. These services are provided to our families free of charge. 


We are committed to creating opportunities for members of the community and families to actively participate in a positive manner through outreach projects such as a school nutrition garden, or recycling plans; and academic events, such as science fairs, literacy/ math evenings, sports and art/music/theatre events in order to connect school lessons to larger world issues.


With the guidance of Local Service Central, Estrella Elementary School will also collaborate closely with LA Academy to learn and to practice effective instructional strategies, to facilitate the articulation of our students and families.